Employee Benefits

7 Effective Ways Managers Can Drive More Employee Engagement

7 Effective Ways Managers Can Drive More Employee Engagement
Image Courtesy: Pexels
Written by Samita Nayak

To ensure that the staff and their leaders are in sync, it’s essential to establish clear expectations and goals for each individual and team. 

Having a reliable and trustworthy workforce is essential for the success of any organization, whether it is a startup or an established company. Effective communication and collaboration between staff and their leaders are vital to achieving organizational goals and creating a positive work culture. 

To ensure that the staff and their leaders are in sync, it’s essential to establish clear expectations and goals for each individual and team. 

Here are some of the best strategies managers may use to learn more about employee engagement. 

1. Take A Tour of Active Listening 

Every leader should regularly do an active listening tour. During this time, they can elicit candid feedback from their team. Doing this will help leaders show their team that they value their feedback and are enthusiastic about making changes that will increase team engagement.  

Asking for their assistance in bringing about change will increase trust and involvement. Employee engagement is more likely to increase when they perceive management leaders to be interested in their ideas and opinions. 

2. Showcase Genuine Leadership 

Making transactional relationships with direct reports and coworkerswhere little to no personal information or experiences are conveyedis a common mistake rookie managers make. If feelings and experiences have never been brought up in the discourse, employees won’t open up about how they really feel.  

Being both genuine and competent is important as it fosters openness and trust.  

3. Be Aware of Employee Behavior Trends 

Effective managers can identify signs in employee behavior patterns. A deviation can further alert them to the need for investigation. Lunch meetings with a single person and anonymous surveys are the most efficient ways.  

4. Promote Interaction and Inquiry 

Taking anonymous surveys is always the initial step. After that, allow staff members to participate in discussions in more relaxed settings. It can either be one-on-one meetings, slack channels, or employee resource groups.  

Provide agendas in advance, use moderators for difficult topics, and have a transparent stance to promote participation. It also doesn’t hurt to acknowledge when an employee asks a great question. 

5. Be Active and Encouraging 

Town hall meetings regularly, employee pulse surveys and one-on-one conversations between managers and staff should all be included in ongoing listening tours. Leaders will discover more about what makes their team members tick, what is meaningful to them, and how they can support and fuel their engagement.  

They just only need to be active, present in the moment, and deliberately listen rather than waiting to speak. 

6. Think About Developing a Solid Relationship 

Establish trust bonds with your team members. The best way to do this is through frequent feedback and open communication. Employee engagement is also greatly influenced by setting clear expectations and the development of a feeling of purpose.  

Additionally, fostering an environment where staff members feel appreciated and driven to succeed is a great strategy. You can accomplish it by offering rewards, recognition, and career advancement chances. 

7. Consult With Your Staff to Determine Their Needs 

Insights regarding employee engagement are built on manager interest and communication. The only surefire approach to comprehending employee engagement is by scheduling routine one-on-one meetings between employees and managers. It will help leaders to find out if their team members are motivated, fulfilled, and purposeful in their job.